Implemented Mar 19, 2020
Amended Apr 20, 2021
Each ministry takes turns in proposing topics for voting at collaborative meetings
Take turns to be a table leader at collaborative meetings
Given that the integration of the open government concept and operational methods can only be achieved through practical implementation, ministries are required to have their POs or staff rotate a table leader twice a year in collaborative meetings, so as to sharpen their chairing and interpretation skills required for dialogue with multiple stakeholders. The table leader's rotation may be made with the chair of the collaborative meetings.
Reinforce feedback review mechanism for collaborative meetings
After the collaborative meeting, the PDIS team will invite the hosting/co-hosting POs to review the process of organizing the collaborative meeting and provide feedback and suggestions for improvement in both directions. Should a suggestion for improvement be of a general nature or involve policy, it will be considered to be brought up at the PO monthly work meetings, with the minutes of the meeting taken to be published, or the ministers without portfolio asked to coordinate with the relevant officials.
Commendations for significant open government cases
In view of the substantial contribution made by POs or staff of the ministries in handling significant open government cases, the PDIS team will sign a letter requesting their respective agencies to give commendations to staff rendering meritorious service for significant and difficult cases.
Staff responsible for a significant open government task are allowed to devote themselves to the assignment within a certain time limit
Should the PO in charge and staff be distracted by their day-to-day business from working on a major open government case, the PDIS team may coordinate with their respective agencies, as necessary, to allow them to focus on that task for a specific period of time.
The PDIS team assists agencies in promoting open government on multiple fronts